It has been said that clothes make the man. Is it true? I’m not sure. I don’t think mine make me, I think they reflect me. I get compliments from time to time. I am self-conscious from time to time. I consult with my friend Amy who is a fashion design major at UT form time to time. I read GQ and Esquire and Details, but don’t follow them like the Bible or anything. After all that, I can say only one thing for sure about clothes.
It’s all about the shoes.
This all ties into a very important key to happiness. In my many years of wandering and study, I have learned a pretty useful lesson. The Tao of Jefe, Simple Things Ensure Happiness. Dr. Pepper. Music. Pez. Lately I have a new one.
Shoes. (I am such a chick.)
They are really cool though. I bought two pairs of Italian bowling shoes recently, one black pair, one brown, and they are like size 91/2 happiness gear. I’ve been walking on air, no pun intended, ever since. There have been a lot of things in my life lately going the right way, mind you, and it’s not like I was walking around under a cloud. The shoes just made it a little better, and that’s what it’s all about really. Simple things.
Like shoes.