There are lots of good reasons to shave your head.
So, Fearless Reader, glad to see you again. How’s Granmdma? Just Kidding. I know for a fact now that someone other than my mother is reading this thing. That is because you, Fearless Reader, have at last begun to respond to my rantings, have at last become concerned about the little slice of my thought process that you can get a hold in these words. For all I know, you have been there, collectively, all along. I am grateful for your existence, Fearless Reader, and after my previous post, grateful for the portion of you that expressed your concern for my well-being.
However, I am not out on the ledge just yet.
I am thankful that when I write about being down, that you respond with kind words and late night phone calls. I know that you, too, have similar periods of down time and that it is good to share these in real world kinds of ways. I rejoice that this particular chunk of digital information in a vast and mighty river of ones and zeroes has helped you and I form a bond that goes beyond glowing screens and clicking keyboards. I like it that you check up on me, and I hope you know I do the same to you. For, while you are my Fearless Reader, rest assured that I, too, am yours.
I do however, owe you an apology. I have been negleting you in many ways. First, I have given you little oppurtunity to exist as my Fearless Reader, for I write little these days. Second, I have let the personal bond we created together stand in the way of the creative bond we have have as writers and readers of each others musings. You want to know who I don’t read anymore? This guy. I think it’s because he lives in my house. I don’t need his blog to keep tabs on him. Many of you are in similar situations with me. We talk on the phone, we instant message each other, we get together on weekends. We’ve grown our personal connection, but lost our bond as Fearless Readers, as lovers of each others words and ideas. I see, more and more clearly, that the writer must strive for greater personal drama within the Blogosphere to gain attention from you, oh Fearless Reader, and you must do so for me as well. If I don’t write about how a girl crushed my heart a long time ago, or that I shaved off all my hair, you will run from my words to other more sensational bits of information. Thus, I make you this promise, From this post forth, Fearless Reader, Cloudwrangler will hold you riveted with the passion of a hundred Cassanova’s, The action of a thousand Jerry Bruckheimer fims, the sheer literary heat of a million Suns, This I VOW!!!!!
OR, I’ll just bitch about my job. Thanks for reading!
No problem.
And now I feel like a failed Fearless Reader, for not having been here in such a long time. But I do care about how you are doing, whether it’s cataclysmic or not…