Some people don’t listen too well
I just got done reading about the fact that a Stoning sentence for Nigerian mom raises global issues. Here’s the issue it raises with me.
While God was telling you that women weren’t allowed to have sex out side of marriage, DIDN’T HE BOTHER TO FUCKING TELL YOU THAT IT’S NOT OK TO FUCKING THROW ROCKS AT PEOPLE UNTIL THEY ARE FUCKING DEAD!!!!! I try to be very tolerant of other religions and beliefs, and my own are formed on both a basis of teachings as a child and experience as an adult, but come on. Somewhere somebody’s God, in whatever form, has got to be reminding us that we need to stop killing each other just because we can.
I know not many people read this, but I have to say something.
Please. Please. I’m begging you.
Don’t do this.